Welcome to Mount Shasta Retreat
Discover the Magic of Mount Shasta!
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Mount Shasta is an amazing place. The veils between dimensions of reality are very thin here, so it’s easy to connect with your True Self/God and to receive clear guidance for your life.
Are you hearing the call to Mount Shasta?
If you are, I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about the mountain, logistics such as travel and lodging, and the guiding services I offer.
I’ve been hiking and camping on beautiful Mount Shasta for more than 40 years and guiding retreats here since 1982. I know many powerful sacred sites which visitors seldom find. It is my great passion and joy to help you discover the magic of Mount Shasta and receive the gifts the mountain has for you.
The form below offers you the opportunity to sign up for a free retreat consultation or to ask questions in the Comments section. If you’re excited about the possibility of coming to Mount Shasta, you can call me right now at 760-525-4512.
You will receive periodic newsletters about Mount Shasta, free meditations, retreats, and related topics. We will never share your email with anyone.
Thank you for joining our Mount Shasta Retreat community. I look forward to sharing to the magic of the mountain with you. It’s transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. If you’re hearing the call to Mount Shasta, answer it!
With love from Mount Shasta,