Tools For Healing & Balance
How Alternation Can Change Your Life
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Alternation is the basic rhythm of the natural world. When you understand the alternation principle and apply it in all areas of your life, you will find a deep sense of peace and happiness.This simple, practical book offers a treasure chest of effective tools to bring healing and balance to your body, mind, and emotions, and into your work and relationships. Are you ready for your life to flow more easily? If so, learn how to harness the power of alternation.
Click Play below to experience a taste of the magic of alternation.
Come Home to Yourself CD
$15 + shipping/handling
Deep in all of our hearts is the desire to come home—to reconnect with who we truly are. The meditations on this CD offer a simple, direct path home. They were recorded on Mt. Shasta, long-honored as a doorway to the Divine. The meditations combine the gentle, awakening words of Andrew Oser with the angelic melodies of the popular recording artists. Anton Mizerak. Enjoy the journey home!
The Joy of Tennis
$12 + shipping/handling
This book offers a breakthrough approach to learning and playing the game of tennis. You will discover simple, yet remarkably effective strategies for entering the zone, that magical space where you play up to your full potential and have the time of your life doing it. You will also learn how to apply these strategies from the court to your work and family life. Written in fictional form, The Joy of Tennis is a joy to read.